Tag Archives: shopping while traveling

Shopping while traveling provides unique souvenirs and local crafts, offering a glimpse into the culture and traditions of your destination. Each purchase becomes a cherished memory, connecting you to the places you visit and the people you meet.

Finding Purpose: 6 Things We Should All Unlearn in 2024

Stacey leopard sunset in Jeju- featured image

This is my first blog post about the upcoming new year. I want to write something other than a New Years Resolution. I want to challenge norms, embrace mindful choices, and hold myself accountable for a life abundant in experiences and authenticity. Brace yourself to navigate a narrative that transcends the ordinary, fostering a more intentional, purposeful, and interconnected way of living. Join the exploration as we uncover the keys to unlocking a meaningful and fulfilling existence in the year ahead, finding purpose and unlearning things that aren’t going to bring me joy, love, or income in 2024


Travel Souvenirs: 9 Creative Ways to Document Your Travel

Some people collect shot glasses, others collect Starbucks mugs, t-shirts or spoons. I collect magnets and Christmas ornaments. I love that they are tiny and inexpensive. I get transported every time I go to the fridge and I love reminiscing during the holidays. Just look on the back to make sure it wasn’t made in Taiwan or China or you’re likely to see it again and again on your travels.

Why You Should Spend Money on Experiences Not Things

Buying stuff makes us feel the way big advertisers think we want to feel based on what they want to sell us. However our possessions don’t and shouldn’t define our values or morals. Actually, they often run antithetical to them because we tend to buy more as we make more. And as we do, we have to work more to pay for all the stuff that we never have time to use or appreciate.


Shinsegae Department Store-Former World’s Largest

This weekend I took my husband to the last place any self-respecting husband ever wants to go with his wife–the mall. But not just any mall. We went to the biggest mall in the whole world. Shinsegae Centumcity is located in downtown Busan Korea, a port city and the second largest city of Korea. It has been in the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest retail space since its construction in 2009.

Craving Fake Food on Kappabashi Street

Shopping for Faux Food on Kappabashi Street

Ok, I admit it. From time to time, I find a few things more interesting than other people. Delve into the distinctive treasures of Kappabashi Street, home to remarkably lifelike food models. Crafted with the needs of travelers in mind, these models act as invaluable companions, aiding you in identifying menus across the globe, especially in places where the local language might be unfamiliar. These faux foods are great companions to menus and a cool souvenir from your travels to Japan. Kappabashi Street has become an off-the-beaten-track attraction for tourists looking to mingle with the locals, and that’s one of the reasons it made my list of must-sees.