My Covid-19 Resolutions for 2020

My Covid-19 Resolutions for 2020

I haven’t written much about the current pandemic. Not because it hasn’t been on my mind, but because I haven’t thought about much else since my last fun weekend in NYC in early March. It’s day 58 and all the promises I made to use this time at home to better myself is ending up on the pile of past New Years Resolutions. Sure, it came from a place of good intentions. But it turns out that place, like my hair salon, is off-limits. Here is the shortlist of Covid-19 Resolutions for 2020 I made on Day 1.

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  1. Why I have COVID-19 Resolutions
  2. Working Out
  3. Morning Routine
  4. Tips for Close Quarters
  5. Kiss the Cook
  6. Follow Me on Instagram
  7. Updating my Blogging Skills
  8. Blog More
  9. Avoid the Fear Mongering
  10. Read Everyday
  11. Save Money
  12. Limit Binge-watching


black-woman-holding-purple-weights My Covid-19 Resolutions for 2020


My Covid-19 Resolutions for 2020


My last fun weekend ended on March 9th. The first confirmed COVID-19 case occurred in New York on March 1st. I heard about it prior to my trip, but I decided to go anyway. I returned home to discover the number had skyrocketed. I felt fine, I wasn’t symptomatic, so I went back to work. However, the situation became serious to me when my boss called and told me I needed to self-quarantine. I have to admit, I felt some kinda way, but I was glad I had the opportunity to keep my paycheck. That was 58 days ago. And I don’t see an end for months to come.

Weeks 1 and 2 were amazing. I felt– feel blessed to still have a paycheck and the opportunity to pursue so many of my interests. But what do they say about idle minds?




#1 I Would Workout Regularly


The first of the Covid-19 Resolutions I made was also the first one I broke. Yeah, for the first week, I did pretty well. I went to bed early, so I could get up and go for a long walk or practice yoga for 45 minutes. By week 5, I worked out once or twice. Last week, I’m sure I did, but I don’t remember leaving the house.

#2 Cement My Morning Routine


Everybody has one. Just type in ‘morning routines’ and you’ll be rewarded with thousands of examples. I started listening to inspirational speakers a few months ago when I was struggling with a few things. Every last one of them emphasized the need to establish a morning routine in order to ‘win the day’.

So over time, I created one that works for me. I’ll be blogging about that at a later day, but it basically involves waking up earlier, expressing gratitude, working out, and looking for little wins that set the tone for having a great day and accomplishing more.


Need help coping during this quarantine. Check out 5 Tips for Close Quarters Living here by Rhymes With Acasia.


#3 I Would Cook More


Honestly, if I were alone, I could probably pull this off. But my husband has no will power and likes to bring home a lot of take-out. I know. I know, I don’t have to eat it. But that’s not being very supportive, is it? So I’m cooking 3-4 times per week which if I’m honest gives me time to do other things.


#4 I Would Invest in Becoming a Better Blogger


If I’ve made an attempt at completing any of my Covid-19 Resolutions, it’s this one. Up until now, I have been trying to do this thing all by myself. And I finally realized it’s not working. The first thing I did was make a list of the 3 networking conferences I wanted to attend. Last year, I attend the WITS Conference in Portland, Maine. It was my first event and although I learned a lot. But I was overwhelmed with information and didn’t follow through on what I learned.

This year I attended the Women in Travel Summit in New York City. While there I met Gloria Atanamo. She has a very popular course called Blog Like a Boss, which I decide to enroll in. It’s an 8-week online course that includes weekly Zoom chats.

The other big investment I made was the decision to overhaul my blog. So my friends, in the next couple of weeks, I will announce the relaunch of the new blog, so stayed tuned.


#5 I would Blog More


How’s that going? You are reading the first one in a month. Guess what I figured out? That if you don’t have a written plan, you won’t accomplish anything. Duh, I have so many things I’d like to do and but I’ve lacked the focus necessary to get anything done. This stops today.


#6 I wouldn’t Allow Myself to be Afraid


When this first started, my husband pretty much took over all the grocery shopping. He told me it was because I had asthma, a respiratory problem that makes me more susceptible to the virus. I thought, oh so sweet after 25 years, he still loves me. So I let him do it. However, when I went to the grocery store the other day I panicked.

First, I couldn’t breath– that mask was too thick. I started hyperventilating and visually gasping for air. Then I realized I was surveying the isles for potential viral snipers. Ironically, I was the one that looked sick.

Now I know for a fact, he does love me. But volunteering for grocery shopping is his way of getting out of the house. I’ve since sewn a few masks out of lighter material, but I still rely on my hubby for the grocery runs.


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#7 I Would Read Every Day


And I did for the first month. I devoured books and audiobooks. I read a few books on finance, marketing, a book about Buddha. I downloaded just about every book by a black woman on Amazon that had better than 4.5 stars. I took a break because my eyes started to hurt and I had a constant headache. I decided to buy a pair of blue light blocking eyeglasses, which has really helped me keep this Covid-19 resolution.

The last book I read was Girl Get Your Credit Straight. Now I’m reading 100 Days of Solitude and The Morning Miracle. Actually, I listening to them. I’ve read about 20 books so far. I may just end up being an expert in a couple of different fields.


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#8 I Would Save SO Much Money


I bought a thermometer first. Then I bought a pair of blue light blocking eyeglasses. Then it was on. But have you guys heard of this little company called Amazon? Girl… they deliver. I’ve bought wigs, puzzles, hair products, soy candles, boxes of Reeces Peanutbutter Sticks, Cheetos, etc… I bought more puzzles from Barnes & Noble.

Wal-Mart just delivered the elastic I bought to make cloth masks for my family. I’m waiting for a wooden hanger to display the beautiful kimono I bought a few years ago in Kyoto. My stockpile of batteries, phone charger blocks will hold out longer than Covid-19 if necessary.

Then there are the personal beautification items like the battery-operated pedicure callus remover, the Korean masks, the dry brush, cellulite cream, derma roller… Do I need to go on?


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#9 Limit my Netflix Binge-watching

I actually knew this was a lie when I spoke it. I am a TV addict. So I don’t know why I made this Covid-19 resolution. And so are a lot of other people because my Netflix is much slower than usual to load. While it’s definitely xxx, I don’t care for junk TV. I love period pieces like Pride and Prejudice and Outlander. But some of my favorites Netflix series are back for a new season. I love me some Uhtred in the Last Kingdom. The Witcher, Ozark, and Black AF are a few of my favorites.


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  1. steven

    If everyone just wore a mask we could get our economy started back up organically. We don’t have to treat the pandemic and the depression separately– it makes no sense. Both things are related.

  2. Alyssa

    This is such a relatable post! If I still lived in the US I’d probably be buying all the things online too. Silver lining? 😀

    1. duffelbagspouse

      So Alyssa, in a way it is. I am grateful to have the option. However, I would trade places with you in a minute if I wasn’t concerned about my parents and being further away from them than I am now. I cannot wait for this to be over because there is absolutely nothing more satisfying to spend my money on than travel.

  3. Wendy

    Thank you for the laughter!
    I am so glad to see that I am not alone with my Covid-19 Resolutions laughing at me.
    Exercise-haven’t made it outside to do that. However, I do walk up & down the stairs to get things from the basement.
    Study Spanish EVERYDAY-started out great. Now, Duolingo is emailing me wondering where I am…lol
    I did read that Gabrielle Union book, I really enjoy it. Dang! That was last year. lol

    Stay safe and please keep being you!


    1. duffelbagspouse

      I guess its safe to say we are all a wirk in progress— I’ll bet we’ll both get to where we need to be eventually. Don’t give up, both things are great aspirations.

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