Hahoe Folk Village Traditional Home Stay in Andong, South Korea

Hahoe Folk Village (1)

Hahoe Folk Village is the ancient home of one of Korea’s most renowned families. As a result, they lived there for more than 600 years. Subsequently, the village is also a living museum. Thus preserving a number of cultural traditions. Interestingly, it’s still inhabited and you can rent one of the homes and experience traditional Korean village life in real-time. Visitors seeking a traditional housing experience should try spending a night in a Korean traditional house called a hanok. So now anyone can sleep in one of these homes at Hahoe Folk Village Stay and feel like an ancient.

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Hahoe Folk Village Stay
What is a Hanok

Hahoe Folk Village which means “village circled by water”. It gets its name from the Nakdong River, which flows around the town’s perimeter.

A hanok is a traditional house built on a philosophy. The philosophy seeks an existence of harmony, piety, and simplicity. And hanoks are traditionally made with earth, wood, rock, and other natural materials. Hanoks are also excellent examples of sustainable architecture that benefit man and the environment. In addition, construction aligns with the principles of Feng Shui. subsequently, the structures work in unison with nature and not against it.

When you walk around Hahoe Folk Village, you can’t help but embrace the history. You can feel the wear and tear of the wooden doors, pillars, and wide plank flooring. Sit back and enjoy a cup of tea while you embrace the serenity and quiet. But be prepared. As a result, these structures lack modern conveniences like TV, radio, WI-FI, or the Internet.

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Hahoe Folk Village Traditions

The Hahoe Mask Dance is a satirical representation of the differences between the upper and lower classes. Performed every 3, 5, or 10 years to ward against diseases and disasters.

For instance, visitors can embrace a number of traditional experiences.

Hands-On Traditions at the Hahoe Folk Village


Besides participating in traditional tea ceremonies, making kimchi and bibimbap, brewing soju, and wine, pounding rice cakes may also be offered.


Learn about hanboks (traditional clothing), mask and enamelware making. Similarly, some hanboks have rituals, stone & wood rubbing, making hanji (traditional paper), and traditional Korean music classes. In addition, check out the Andong Mask Museum and the Andong Dance Festival.


The masks at Hahoe Folk Village homes are constructed from natural materials and dyes.


Spinning, playing traditional board games, throwing (stick throwing game) as well as kite making.

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Follow the Rules

Keep in mind, hanoks are wooden structures, so making a fire may be prohibited. In addition, bathrooms and showers may be outside of the structures to preserve their authenticity.

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How to Make a Reservation at Hahoe Folk Village

Hahoe Folk Village is located at 40, Jongga-gil, Pungcheon-myeon, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, +82-54-854-3669. Combine your visit with a trip over to the Hahoe World Mask Museum in Andong.

There are several hanok stay villages all over Korea. For more information visit the hanokstay information page.

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  1. Elizabeth O.

    It would be so nice to be able to stay at such a place. You can definitely learn more about Korea’s culture and history here. It’s beautiful.

    1. duffelbagspouse

      Me and a couple girlfriends are going to stay in one next week. It should be a really good experience to share.

    1. duffelbagspouse

      I love thats it made with all natural products too. They fit into the environment very well.

  2. Erin Fesperman

    I love the architecture on these buildings! You definitely don’t see that here in the states!

    1. duffelbagspouse

      I love walking the backstreets and small towns… you find some of the most beautiful architecture.

  3. Molly

    Wow! This place is so amazing! Do they demonstrate how to make all of their famous food? You make me want to go there now!


    1. duffelbagspouse

      Hi Molly. If you want to stay with us… you gotta roll soon. We are moving abroad in a few weeks. Lol. If not, do come. Its still inexpensive compared to its neighbors.

  4. Jessica

    I have never been to Korea before. It looks like there is some beautiful architecture and history! Thanks so much for sharing your experience. 🙂

    1. duffelbagspouse

      Hi Jessica… you are welcome. Its a country that fascinates and infuriates at the same time lol

  5. madpawn

    This all looks quite interesting especially the wooden statues! It’s fun to see people promoting small villages worth visiting instead of the big cities! Keep it up

    1. duffelbagspouse

      I agree, I went because I wanted to see the carvings and they are interesting, but I found so much more than those to keep my interests.

  6. Jessi Joachim

    This seems like a really cool place to visit. My husband and I have been working on a travel list for after we get some debt paid off, and this looks like it might have to go on the list.

    1. duffelbagspouse

      I hope you do consider Asia and SE Asia when you do travel. There are so many beautiful places in this region and you get so much for your money compared to other parts of the world.

    1. duffelbagspouse

      Thank you so much. I am having a blast. Can’t believe two years has gone by so fast and we are heading back to America soon to continue our travels of the American south and west coast as well as South America.

  7. Muna Kenny

    I’ve enjoyed reading your post! Village life is so quiet and peaceful, much better than the noise we suffer from every day. The clicks are beautiful, this is a must visit place for sure.

    1. duffelbagspouse

      Thank you Muna. I appreciate your support. The small villages and towns are always more interesting to me.

  8. Author Brandi Kennedy

    This seems like a perfect getaway for my oldest daughter, who is pretty much obsessed with all things to do with the Asian cultures. Hopefully one day we’ll get to go do something like this together.

    1. duffelbagspouse

      I hope so too. Its a very complicated set of many cultures which most people don’t think about too much. As you travel from one country to another one you see all the differences.

    1. duffelbagspouse

      Thanks for stopping by and supporting my blog. Its nice to know there are people on the other end of the line. lol

    1. duffelbagspouse

      So much to take in, I find new things in my neighborhood still after two years of living here.

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