Weight Loss: 5 Essential Oils to Achieve Your Goals


I’m like you and millions of other people who struggle with weight loss. Eating healthy and exercising daily, down 2 pounds, up another. I am a big believer in essential oils for many therapeutic reasons. I enjoy the aromas and I feel more relaxed and balanced. But I’ve also learned essential oils have weight-loss attributes like appetite suppression and boosting your metabolism. Here are the best 5 Young Living Essential Oils to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

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ENTER-TO-WIN-WEIGHT-LOSS-ESSENTIAL-OILS Weight Loss: 5 Essential Oils to Achieve Your Goals



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Losing 50 lbs from just exercise 2012-2013

Best Essential Oils for Weight Loss



So how can the essential oils I’ve already started using help in accomplishing my ultimate goal of weight loss and a healthy lifestyle? The claims that essential oils aid in weight loss is interesting. So I going to add a few to my diet and see what happens.

In addition to a healthy diet and daily exercise, these natural products can help curb cravings and burn fat, I decided on the following 5 essential oils because I already have them, they taste okay and provide additional health benefits which are why I bought them in the first place.



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Why Young Living Essential Oils?



Quality is key in order to get the best results, especially if you are taking them internally. That’s why I use Young Living eos. They ensure the best quality with their “seed to seal” guarantee. The prevailing wisdom seems to be that alternating 3-5 essential oils for weight management is key.



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How to Use Essential Oils for Weight Loss


Essential oils have been used for over five thousand years. They’re one of the most powerful forms of medicine in the world. So if you are looking for essential oils for weight loss, I recommend lemon oil, grapefruit oil, cinnamon oil, peppermint oil, and ginger oil. Sometimes you can get these in compounds, or you can use these three individually. 



To Apply, Ingest or Inhale


You can put one single drop of each in water and drink it that way, or you can actually put it on topically or diffuse it. When you’re putting it on topically, I recommend using a carrier oil
like coconut oil, especially when you’re using the cinnamon and peppermint oils which are considered “hot oils”. Or one of my favorite ways is just diffuse it. Put a few drops in the diffuser at home, work, or in the car. The aromas will activate parts of your body that will actually support weight loss. And as you’d expect all the essential oils also act as a breath & room freshener too.




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1. Lemon Essential Oil



Lemon essential oil suppresses weight gain, increases energy, and enhances mood. It also contains limonene that has fat-dissolving powers. Full of Vitamin C, Lemon essential oil affects a wide variety of digestive ailments. It can help to balance your metabolism. You’ll also find that you have more energy once you start using it.



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2. Grapefruit Essential Oil



You’ve probably heard before that grapefruit is an incredible weight loss tool. But some people don’t like the incredibly bitter citrus fruit without having to pour sugar on it. Grapefruit eos actually works with your body by activating enzymes that help break down body fat. Ultimately, it helps in weight loss by stimulating metabolism, dissolving fat, cleaning kidneys, and vascular systems.

Add a drop or two to a carrier oil and massaging it into your most troublesome fatty areas. Or add a couple of drops to your morning glass of water.



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3. Ginger Essential Oil



Another great essential oil that supports the body in weight loss is the ginger essential oil. Ginger works because it also reduces sugar cravings and helps reduce inflammation in the body. It’s so important that if you’re going to lose weight, that you’re also reducing inflammation, and supporting digestion and absorption of nutrients.

The compounds in ginger are called gingerols. Gingerols have been scientifically proven to reduce disease-causing inflammation in your intestines. It improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals. The more vitamins and minerals you consume, the more you’re helping to support your body’s cellular energy and promote weight loss.



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4. Cinnamon Essential Oil



Cinnamon is one of the best essential oils for weight loss as it is extremely effective in breaking down the sugar in the human body and turning it into energy. This oil suppresses appetite and boosts metabolism. Cinnamon also improves digestion leading to weight loss.

By balancing blood sugar, it will help reduce those cravings for sugar. Unstable blood sugar can lead to overeating, low energy, and weight gain. Try adding cinnamon oil to fruit, tea, oats, baked goods, or smoothies to help slow how much glucose is released into the bloodstream.



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5. Peppermint Essential Oil



Peppermint essential oil helps with weight loss by suppressing appetite and food cravings. This minty oil works to stimulate the part of the human brain that produces a fuller feeling of satisfaction and relaxation.

All these essential oils are said to help you with your goal of healthy weight loss whether you drink them in water or apply them topically.

Peppermint oil is chalked full of vitamin C and Omega-3 fatty acids and has a ton of minerals in it like iron, manganese, and potassium. Inhale Peppermint oil to curb sweet cravings. Sniff some Peppermint if your stomach is upset after a meal.






I am only using Young Living Essential Oils and I was a distributor for a few years, but not anymore.
Essential oils will only work in combination with exercise and a healthy diet. Please read the labels carefully before using them.



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  1. HCAFit

    Using these essential oils is best option to lose weight as these are safe and provide lasting results. I will try these oils. Thanks and keep sharing.

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