Tag Archives: Wellness travel

Silent Airports: The New Trend in Air Travel for Well-being

relaxing silent airport

Airports often immerses us in a symphony of sounds—from the incessant beeping of security scanners to the murmur of conversations, punctuated by the constant flow of announcements and background music. This cacophony, while part and parcel of the travel experience, offering an unmistakable thrill of adventure, can also tip the scales towards stress. Recognizing this, a transformative trend is emerging in the world of aviation: the advent of silent airports.

How to Stay Safe While Flying

How to Stay Safe While Flying

One of the fastest ways of spreading disease is to buy an airplane ticket. I read a recent study that says you have a 20% chance to avoid getting sick every time you fly. That means 1 in 5 people are starting their trip under the weather.  Apparently, the skies aren’t as friendly as we thought. And airport safety includes protecting yourself from an invisible enemy– the common cold?