Tag Archives: Budget Travel

Living Rich: Are You Living the Soft Life?


I may be late to the part, but I recently watched a bunch of videos titled “soft life”. While most IG influencers sell the soft life hawking expensive handbags, face creams, or designer candles, the term didn’t originate that way. #Softlife is a trend that started in 2020 because people began advocating for a stress-free life. The “soft life” philosophy and the spending habits of rich people are connected through their focus on choosing quality, long-term benefits, and transformational experiences over short-term indulgences or fear-based decisions.

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Tips for the First-time Travelers

Make sure you leave time in your itinerary and day-to-day schedule to wander and wonder. Giving yourself time and permission to get lost means you’ll be free to discover hidden gems and sights that aren’t on your map. Leave time to explore, strike up conversations, and lose yourself in the experience. It’s a chance to be whoever we wan to be for awhile. Use your imagination and whip out an alter ego you’ve been working on.