Tag Archives: opinions

Navigating the Mean Streets of South Korea

Stacey navigating the streets of South Korea

Despite its small size, the massive population shapes today’s vibrant society. Additionally, South Korea strikes a balance between preserving its cultural identity and embracing elements of Western culture. One aspect I found unexpectedly frustrating was walking in the Korean streets. When I first moved here, I had certain expectations – people forming orderly queues, using sidewalks, and politely apologizing if they accidentally bumped into me.

My Covid-19 Resolutions for 2020

My Covid-19 Resolutions for 2020

This is suppose to be a time of rediscovery, right? It’s day 51 and all the promises I made to use this time at home to better myself is ending up on the pile of past New Years Resolutions. Sure, it came from a place of good intentions. But it turns out that place, like my hair salon, is off-limits. Here is the shortlist of the winners and works in progress Covid-19 Resolutions for 2020 I made on Day 1.