Monthly Archives: September 2018

is istanbl safe

Is Turkey Safe for American Tourists?

Is Turkey Safe for American Tourists? I hope so. Because we are going there for a couple of days later this month. And I’m really excited to see some of the things I missed on my last trip. But politics in Turkey, like many places around the world, is relatively unstable right now. So, it makes since that we keep vigilant and ask the question before and not after we go.

How to Stay Safe While Flying

How to Stay Safe While Flying

One of the fastest ways of spreading disease is to buy an airplane ticket. I read a recent study that says you have a 20% chance to avoid getting sick every time you fly. That means 1 in 5 people are starting their trip under the weather.  Apparently, the skies aren’t as friendly as we thought. And airport safety includes protecting yourself from an invisible enemy– the common cold?

heroes Steven Washington DC Marine memorial

A Day in the Life of a Unicorn

First of all, I don’t talk about my husband very much on this blog. He is a private person whose only social media accounts are LinkedIn and RateBeer. I don’t have to tell you which one he uses most. I feel he’ll allow this one liberty. This one opportunity to praise his accomplishment and share a journey– while not entirely mine– with you.