9 Ways Mindfulness Helps You Thrive

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Everyone handles stress differently. Mindfulness helps relationships in a few different ways. I tend to lean on mindful meditation, exercise, and writing– here on my blog and in my journal. And it works for me. Mindfulness is the process of being completely present in every moment. And while meditation is a great way to practice mindfulness, virtually any activity you do can help you become more mindful. Here are nine ways to thrive by being mindful.

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9-Ways-Mindfulness-Can-Help-Your-Relationship-hammock 9 Ways Mindfulness Helps You Thrive
  1. How to thrive being mindful
  2. Set Intentions
  3. Do You
  4. Good Listener
  5. Positivity
  6. Be 5-old
  7. Embrace Obstacles
  8. Be Open-Minded
  9. Pay Attention to Body Language

9 Ways to Thrive & Be Mindful

How Mindfulness Can Help Your Relationships

Mindfulness is really about focus and awareness of only what’s right in front of you. So not thinking about a million other things in the present or perpetually trying to multitask is the opposite of being mindful. And like relationships, mindfulness takes work and needs to be practiced regularly. Being more mindful helps you increase your environmental awareness. Here are nine ways mindfulness encourages responsiveness, openness, and longevity in your relationships.

1. Set Intentions for the Day

I like to journal. It doesn’t have to be more than a paragraph or two. In it, list your intentions towards the people. Jot down how you’d like to handle your daily interactions and what you learned from yourself and others.

2. Do You 

Avoid judgment. Do you and only you. I find that I am a happier person when I don’t assume or judge. Don’t put words or intentions in the mouth or heart of anyone else.

3. Good Listening Skills

This is one of my pet peeves. How many times have you started a conversation with someone who appears to be waiting for you to pause so they can speak? Don’t be that person. Lean in and show you’re interested in what that person has to say. Don’t try to match word for word, anticipate what they are going to say or shut them down before they start.

4. Be Positive

Take a few deep breaths before you respond to situations that can be negative. Try to find the silver lining in adversity.  Imagine life sitting in a lukewarm bath. It’s okay for a little while. However, the experience would be so much better with a bit of hot or cold water from time to time.

5. Embrace 5-Year Old in You

I often say we learned everything we need to live a good life in kindergarten. Kids don’t analyze every single word they utter. As a result, they interact with others based on instinct. We’re taught not to steal, lie, or put your hands on anyone. Therefore, we are encouraged to share our toys, say kind things, and treat people the way you want to be treated. That works as an adult too.

6. Seek Out Obstacles 

Challenges offer the most significant opportunity for growth. Unsurprisingly, anyone can thrive in an idyllic environment. However, our character is tested when things get tough, and we are out of our comfort zone. So set the stage and encourage your relations to play along.

7. Be Open-Minded

Ultimately, mindfulness is all about paying attention without labels, distractions, or preconceived notions. Consequently, you’ll observe the world around you, and yourself, with a more profound presence over time.

8. Pay Attention to Body Language

Yours and theirs. You should strive for openness and approachability when you interact with people. Experience how it feels when someone crosses their arms leans back or avoids eye contact.

9. Stay on Message

I used to try to be a good multi-tasker. But not anymore. I think you miss out on things when trying to do lots of things simultaneously. Ultimately, mindfulness meditation is the practice of staying in the moment. Mindfulness is especially helpful when dealing with stressful situations in a relationship. Please just avoid bringing old disagreements into new conversations.

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  1. Peachy

    Great tips on mindfullnes! I like your tip about being a 5 year old. Sometimes we don’t have to think and act on instinct and gut feel.

  2. Adrienne

    Mindfulness is so helpful in many other aspects of life. I have no doubt it is helpful in relationships too. Thanks so much for sharing this!

  3. Britt K

    This is a great post. I love that you mentioned the benefits of tackling life’s challenges together. My husband and I have been married for over 7 years and we’ve definitely faced our share of challenges and struggles in that time. These challenges can tear your relationship apart or build it stronger depending on how you choose to view them.

    1. duffelbagspouse

      So true. When I told my mom I planned to marry a soldier. She told me that the quickest way to divorce went through separations– distance, not sharing, etc… You have to be willing to fight for your relationship and that means sometimes it might be uncomfortable.

  4. Marlynn

    What a thoughtful, meaningful post. “What you plant is what will grow.” Love it. Such an important reminder, thank you!

    1. duffelbagspouse

      So true— it makes it so much easier to handle the issues that will eventually arise.

  5. Stacey Peters

    How to improve your relationship using mindfulness?
    mindfulness in relationships exercises
    how to improve mindfulness
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    how to use mindfulness
    mindfulness in relationships exercises
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