Tag Archives: Baristro Asian Style

Indulge your senses at Baristro Asian Style. Immerse in delightful flavors, cozy ambiance, and exceptional service. Every visit is a journey of taste and warmth.

A Cover Charge Cafe: Baristro Asian Style in Chiang Mai

Baristro Asian Style room

Baristro Asian Style is a perfect example of how social media can work wonders. It proves that being creative and having a solid social media presence can make a big difference. Simply put, they can charge more for what other cafes offer at a lower price. Thanks to its popularity on social media, especially IG, the cafe gets many customers who pay 80 Baht just to come in and take pictures for their personal Instagram feeds. These posts spread the word, and the cafe gets even more attention without spending a dime on advertising, effectively turning their customers into unpaid brand ambassadors. Many cafes try to do this, but Baristro Asian Style is the first one I’ve visited with a cover charge.